Knowledge Culture

Culture corelate to human-human and human-land relationships. It sets a phenomenon of the social exchange in society, comprising conti-national human history and genealogy. Transformation of human groups into a nation-society is the complex of horizontal relation specified by culture-land, and the vertical, political-economic polar relation and exchange.
Understanding the origin of culture takes us back to the evolution of civilizations where the strenuous human migration took place, which was followed by settlement of people in the diversified regions.
Periodic movement of early humans and their living system is less studied area of knowledge, comprising unexplored questions of pre-civilizations where the footsteps of fetal pre social relations are entombed. It seems possible to unlock the concealed history but the key to that lay in understanding the origin of ancient middle east civilizations.

Human relation with land is differentiated by national origin, geographic boundaries, and languages. Language is deeply related to human-land nativity and genealogy. The boundary of a language is national, but its aspect of knowledge is universal. Political boundaries are culture-complex of ‘land and society’. In general, culture is the complex of conjugates like ‘knowledge-language’, ‘Land-society’, ‘politics-economy’, ‘nation-continent’ and many more. This is fundamental to knowledge societies.
Such explanations of social system and its relation with knowledge like ‘knowledge culture’ or ‘culture complex’, ‘knowledge economies’, and ‘knowledge politics’ are fascinating and do require a generalized understanding the social defines.
Progression of middle eastern ancient culture along with other social parameters was based on ancient economic foundation, without which the foundation of a social system would never have been possible.

The elaboration of ancient middle eastern culture, anthropology, languages, kinship system and genealogy, art and literature, music, living system, and adaptation to social innovation is necessary to acknowledge how ancient societies created the cultural dimension of their social system.
KBS shall organize writers and intellectuals to the production of the knowledge, elaborating the knowledge cultural, social transformations, social relational exchanges in society and populating the land by migration and settlement and nations building process in the ancient middle east civilizations.