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The Middle East is said to be as the cradle of all civilizations. It was where knowledge was born out of ancient societies. Out of the Middle Eastern civilizations and great cities, came great sapiential manipulations which led the world found and ordinate their ‘experiences, inventions and practices’ into the development social knowledge-system. The parametric fundamentals include the ‘alphabet-grammar’, ‘the writing-practicing system’, ‘mathematics & metrology’, ‘calendar-astrophysical records’, ‘engineering & social infrastructure’, and several other sciences along with their social submissions.

Middle Eastern civilizations adept these sciences for social economic, cultural, and political ‘experiences and practices’ and developed a knowledge system, which led them to grow into the ancient knowledge societies.
Extensive research has taken place over the last century including excavations, cuneiform deciphering, transliterations, etc. leading to the promotion of digital libraries and museums, exhibiting ancient records and artifacts. Many specialists, scholars, professors, independently and institutionally, have dedicating their lives and wisdom for this part of world. The records of middle eastern civilizations is open for future generations and knowledge lovers around the world to come forth and explore the ignored aspects of ancient intellects.
However, the generalized side of the research have either been ignored or abandoned, which was otherwise the qualification of ordinating the specialized research towards generalizing knowledge process. The generalized side of research is fundamental to understanding the kinematics of social relations, without which, any specialized research would remain inadequate, divorced from its social objectives.
Notwithstanding many rises and falls in the history, Middle east has never lost the social status of radial orbiting to the global affairs, for all the times. Parallelly, knowledge have continued to circumambulate with change in the axis of its development over varying continents, across all nations and human societies. Such advancement of knowledge-technology, intermingling into social relations, are of complex nature and do involve an independent discourse of institutionalization. Once again, the opportunity lies with this part of land to embrace another renaissance and come forth to building knowledge based society on platform of middle east continent.
A few questionings, as follows among many broad aspects of ancient world, may be of our interest to explore:
- How did the experiences and practices of ancient societies develop into the self-functioning system of knowledge?
- What were the fundamentals of the measures and relations of ancient knowledge societies?
- How did the ancient middle east knowledge system relate to other continents?
- Could the knowledge system, developed by the ancient Middle Eastern societies, be taken as the reference base for the social development of modern societies?
- How do the social relations, developed by ancient societies, coordinate in developing modern world, despite their fall?
- What social and scientific methodologies are required to bring the brilliant historical knowledge glories, back to present Middle Eastern world?

Finally, Middle East has given all the fundamentals of knowledge system, sciences, and technology to the world-civilizations; now it’s time to pay off! —
-Prem Mathrani
Founder & President
Knowledge Based Society