Social Science Generalist Diploma

Knowledge Specialists versus Knowledge Generalists
‘Specialized knowledge’ streamlines the particularity of subjective-objective explanations, analyses and interpretations for multilevel phenomenon of knowledge system. On the other hand, ‘generalist diploma’ is the composite part of the knowledge specialization which studies the collaboration of knowledge in the form of common set of objective subjective defines in the field of social sciences.
What writers need to do with knowledge?
Writers and intellectuals can conveniently get to the status of ‘generalists of knowledge’ by bringing down the knowledge specializations at the base-level of society. Generalists truly bridge up the gap between knowledge and society. Spanning such disparities would definitely be a continuous process. For intellectuals, it is therefore essential to know about the relevance of natural sciences with social sciences and their interdependence, coherence and logical structurizations, parametric to formulate the phenomenal aspects of social sciences under the theoretical categorization of social adaptations
This diploma is a distinctive qualification which convert writers into accredited generalists who can play a significant role in building ‘knowledge based societies’ in middle east continent.
Knowledge Generalist Diploma Level I
Generalist Diploma has two levels. First level comprises to earn 5 certificates
Generalist Diploma Level I (Middle East)
Middle East Civilizations
Description: Introduction to ancient middle eastern societies, Foundation of social system, ancient social dimensions, and economy, politics, culture, art & literature and development of science.
Mathematics-1 for Social Science
Description: Complex Functions, number theories, Introduction to calculus, limits, trigonometric functions, matrix and other related topics
Introduction to Middle East Geo-natural international relations and Business Affairs
Description: Natural Resources and middle east economy, oil economy, middle east political economy and international business affairs etc.
Middle East Politics, Economy, Science and Technology
Description: Relevance of computer technology and middle eastern societies, what is knowledge economy, relation between technology, society and economy, future middle east and other related topics.
Middle East Art & Literature, Entertainment Culture
Description: Modern art and literature in middle east and their relevance with knowledge, story, drama and entertainment industry in middle east
Knowledge Generalist Diploma Level II
Level-2 of the diploma comprises 4 certificates to qualify, along with a ‘knowledge project’ which would develop a pragmatic approach to author a generalized content, categorized logically and analyzed and interpreted scientifically.
Generalist Diploma Level II (Middle East)
Science of Social System
Description: Relation between science and social system, Economy the base of social system, State and politics, economic-political affairs, and cultural correlations and affairs.
Mathematics & Statistics 2 for Social Sciences
Description: Mathematic Modeling, introduction to logic, statistical application in social science, Experimental Design, Regression analysis, calculus of social science and other relevant topics at the introduction level.
Geo-continental Configurations of Middle East and International History
Description: Relationship of earth and continent, land, ocean and life, evolution of middle east continent, middle east population, settlement and migration, and international geocontinental structure & related topics.
Genealogy Middle East Haplogroup Paleolithic footsteps Genealogy & Anthropology
Description: Introduction to middle east anthropology, haplogroup study of middle east, modern geo historic parameters of nation building and linguistics correlations and other related topics.
Generalist Knowledge Project
Description: A project comprising research on the middle east
What will a writer achieve?
Generalist diploma in Middle East studies is designed to achieve an intellectual caliber for writers in the field of social sciences. In fact, it is for everybody who wants to become a genuine writer with an ability to inscribe a complete set of generalized knowledge about middle east. With generalist diploma, qualifier become able to adapt a collaborated concept of writing, elaborated subjectively, compatible with its peripheral scientific defines, which elevate the common-sense level of knowledge at the base of middle east society.
Entry Requirements
To apply for Knowledge Diploma; you must have:
- Graduation certificate from a recognised university or an equivalent qualification.
- And science background at high school level.
- Experience of writing would be an additional asset.
You can apply otherwise, if above mentioned criteria are not met; We shall consider the application after a formal review of your CV and documents.
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