Defense Affairs & Knowledge Societies

A Defense subsystem exists within the social system. It contains its own economic base of weaponry, security devices and a defense industry, encompassing a production-consumption process. The field of army tends to remain operational with respect to the affairs of the state beyond boundary and intelligent functioning.
The whole phenomenon of armed-defense operations correspond to militarized set of affairs with predetermined courses of interest among nation-states. The defense interests distinctively shape the composition of foreign affairs and does influence the political-economic social process, establishing a collaborative-functioning field of state-defense affairs, based on social dynamics and relations within the society and state.
In the ancient civilizations, the army was a closed state-executed setup with regard to the kingdoms-affairs of the state under the supreme command of king himself. War was accustomed to being a frequent affair of the economic-political phenomenon of the state-mechanism. Securing the state borders and expansion of boundaries was an act of strength, stability and prosperity to the state.
Occupancy of resources could be of major interest. War affairs of ancient times were a ruthless way of sustaining kingdoms and emperorships in the sense that civilizations progressed by means of war. This is a question of complex history. The postwar consequences were quite historic if not brutal, as it could be observed from the deep analysis of the human history. The territories absorbed as an integral part of the kingdom, adapted with cultural intermixing and did contribute their resources to the economy of the state.
The rise and fall of states predominantly turned out, due to the triumphs and defeats, predestined by the army. Industrialization innovated the concept of army phenomenon technologically, strategically and historically. Relations between state politics and army configured new fields of social affairs. States with stable borders, and extensive resources started delimiting military affairs at the level of global defense intelligentsia.
With the development of society along with political stability and the army support, the states identified their areas of innovation and development. But the role of army inside the state remained undefined and politically undemocratized, as the states moved on to the parameter of development.

A complete set of military affairs came into being with its own base of interests, strategic space and field of operations beyond boundaries, functioning parallel to the system of states, while being an integral part of it. A defense mechanism is an interest-based relational phenomenon of the state system which requires an innovated set of knowledge to define the definite relational affair between the state, the army and society.
Advancement of knowledge technology in the field of remote functioning, nuclear disciplines, digitized technology and beyond, in the military structure has augmented position of defense process to the level where the continental role of the army among states is getting fostered and knowledge based.
Knowledge based societies is dedicated to research and theorize the complex affairs, defining militarized political ties and discover innovated knowledge about the policy criteria in the sensitive areas of relationing technology, political economy and defense phenomenon in the middle east region.

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